Tuesday, January 6, 2015

History of the World Part 1

      Earth is astounding! I mean, I just can't believe all that has happened to this planet, and continues to happen. Both in nature and from mankind.

      As a student growing up in the public school system, my favorite classroom subject was (besides anything performance-related) history. I remember the activities and course material the best, and I always looked up to my social studies teachers through middle school and high school. Not to mention my household loves history. My dad knew a lot of stuff about the yester-years, and my brother was an avid reader, which lead him to be curious about history.

      I love hearing different stories about how these countries we know of now came to be. How these countries have endured great suffering, and how these countries have celebrated great triumphs.

      And the people of those countries.

      As Lincoln says (in my favorite movie, Lincoln), "We have made it possible to do terrible things to one another."

      It's true.

      From killing any baby boy for miles that is 2 years old or younger, to destroying 6 million individuals of one race and religion. From treating someone like cattle merely because of their race, to selling someone off for our menial desires. I mean, there are groups designed to hate another sect in society. How awful is that?

      Yet, we find a way to make it so that good always ends up on top. It takes a lot of fighting (in one form or another), and it is never, ever easy, but we make sure good always wins. Sooner or later. We see our fellow man suffering, we see it for ourselves and see the humanity of it, and we help to conquer the evil. Somehow. Someway.

      We mess up a lot. But we still try to take down the evil, even if it seems so much bigger than us. Sure, it takes us a while to see the evil sometimes, and even then, we just allow it to happen because "we can't fight it," or "it's too big to deal with," or "what's the big deal?" But we endure. Like we have done for thousands and thousands of years. Like this earth has done. We are designed for that. To find the good and bring it through, full force.

      We suffer, we see suffering, we fight to end the suffering, we don't stop fighting until love and goodness reigns once again. That is the human condition.

  "Let all that you do be done in love." --1 Corinthians 16:14

Mary Taylor

Let all that you do be done in love.
Let all that you do be done in love.

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