Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Lull

      I'm feeling a lull. When I shouldn't feel a lull.

      A lull in life. Like I'm just kind of wondering through, without much of anything. No presence, no feeling, no nothin'. 

      Normally when this happens, I'm in a complex. A beautiful complex that should totally be embraced. a complex of too busy, and in denial of my busy-ness, resulting in me procrastinating on everything. Which means watching too many YouTube videos. 

      When I get in a lull, it takes me a minute to do something about it. 

      When I FINALLY get off my butt and do something about it, I re-envision how I'm living my life. Am I meditating? Am I praying? Am I working out? How? Am I eating well. Generally, once it's gotten to "lull" level, all answers are no. And, it just so happens, they're a "no" now, too. 

      So, on this Hump Day, I am re-evaluating my life. Seeking out the beauty in life, seeking out God in my life, and meditating on how absolutely blessed I am. 

      Having a bad day or week is normal and totally fine. Sometimes that prolongs into a funk, which is also a ride that needs to be lived through. But sometimes it's simply a lull and my forgetting to simply love my surrounding wholly. 

      Here's to those lulls. And here's to bye bye to those lulls.  
Get it? Like lullabies.

      Mary Taylor

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