Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bad Days and Good Days

      I'm an optimistic human in general. I love life and constantly try to see the good stuff happening. Obviously, I know I'm not alone. There are tons like me. There are also people who aren't quick to see the good, and that's cool too. That said, I never really have "bad days." At least, I don't think of them like that. Not anymore, at least. 

      I used to think my day totally depended on how smoothly my morning went. If something slipped up, like I forgot to clean something and would have to do it that morning, which would screw with my not-schedule, then my day was going to be bad. Or if my morning went super smoothly, like if my mom calls and we talk about the awesome episode of RuPaul's Drag race from the other night. Then my day is gonna be awesome. 

      Then, a lot more recent than I'd like to admit, I realized the world isn't really that black and white. I realized that, actually, my day that's going totally against me has really cool aspects. Like the awesome conversation I had with my bestie right before we all got yelled at in class. Or when my day is going awesomely, but then I realize I forget my assignment and gets a zero for it. I mean, there are good things and bad things in each day.

      As much as I hate to say it, there are some bad things, relatively, for that day. But, as I said, and the thing that keeps this optimist alive, there are great things in everyday too. A friend of mine reminded me that it's actually okay to feel bad about the bad things. Yes, relatively, we should feel so blessed to have what we have, and we are (or we should totally be). But, you know, sometimes it's hard to not feel bad about some bad stuff in your life. My friend reminded me: let yourself feel bad about the bad stuff. But then don't forget to feel great about the small things. I mean, personally, I think there are more awesome things in life than awful things. But, I lead my own life and I get that people find it hard to see the small things. 

      I'm writing this because, well, because it's true. But also because something happened at the end of the night. Wasn't necessarily the greatest way to end the night. So, right after it happened, I let it dictate my next move and I grabbed a soda. Something I have been successfully avoiding for three days. Sure, doesn't seem like a big deal, but when starting a new, everything seems bigger. I let the small thing at the end if my night turn a whole, perfectly productive and good day, bad. And sometimes, that's totally okay to do. I just don't know that tonight was a case to let it get me totally down so much to give up on the new lifestyle I'm in the middle of starting. 

      We don't have to feel dictated by how one moment goes. In every tragedy in my life, there has been twenty more beautiful, amazing things. Even if something goes totally wrong and you go to be in a bad mood, remember the beauty of life and that tomorrow is a new day and that you have the chance to really take the day! Isn't that awesome! Woo!

Mary Taylor 

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