I'm a big advocate for news. I love news. I love discussing news. I love questioning news. News brings other perspectives (some unbiased, some not so unbiased) to social issues and gives us our foundation of how we see the world. News allows us to have opinions and embraces those changes in how everyone hears information. It's actually a lot cooler than you'd think.
I think news is given to us for a reason. Yes, I think it is our obligation to share our opinions about some stories. It's our obligation to raise up with our neighbors in need and offer any helping hand we have. Of course, we need to respect other peoples' opinion. As in no, that person is not an idiot for believing that particular thing which you think the exact opposite of. It's actually really tricky. The whole respecting people's opinions and stuff. I think that's something everyone (for all time everyone) is struggling with. I mean, coming from my perspective, like how can people expect this society to grow and continue to develop if we don't take progressive actions. But that's my opinion and I get that people have differing opinions about 50,000 different things in that sentence.
All this being said, I'm about to share my opinion (again). It's a pretty hot issue right now and I understand that it may make some of you angry. Maybe some of you will write comments. Maybe some of you will stop reading this blog or really try, but can't seem to possibly understand my logic. Some may get defensive. Some may write me messages, think about sending them, and then not (or do). No matter what your initial actions are, know that this is not intended to offend or hurt anyone. I am more than willing to discuss more if you have comments or questions. In fact, I would love to hear your opinions about this topic.
But, Mary, we don't even know what the topic is yet!
Oh, right.
Gun control.
Now, see, you got all up in arms and you haven't even heard what I have to say!
Oh wait. that was me. Ha. Anywho! Moving on!
Yesterday, I was watching the news, and I counted 5 (at least, because I'd started watching the news late) consecutive stories dealing with shootings. Whether it be a store clerk, a gang-related issue, or school shootings. It just leads me to start thinking: what can be done about this?
Too often, I have watched the news and have been totally closed off to the stories. They're not happening directly to me, so why should I be affected? Of course, that's not my actual thought process. My thought process normally amounts to about "oh, man. What an awful shame!" and then I turn it to GSN to watch Steve Harvey on Family Feud. Or I convince myself not to get upset because it happens far too often for me to get upset about it every time.
But that's just it. Why am I continuing to allow it to happen as often as it does without at least giving my opinion about it. A while ago, I shared a story with you guys about how I had posted something about the Benzine poisoning going on in factories where they make our cell phones. I said that I, obviously, couldn't do anything about it, so I just virtually shared it to spread the word. Then a friend re-shared it saying "what can we do about this?" Actually asking for action. You guys remember this story now? If not, feel free to read it here! Well, I shared this story with my acting class at the end of the year and my professor said something so profound (and, just for some background info, all of my theater professors are huge activists and awesome) that actually left me more dumbfounded than I think he intended. He laughed at my story and, in an "I'm-agreeing-with-you-that's-not-totally-activist-like-but-someday" tone, he said "sharing a story to get the word out does not a political activist make." So, though I don't have this end goal of being a political activist, I needed to share my opinion about this. Not to change yours, but to maybe shed a light on this situation that maybe you're not considering. Because I need to get this out there in case someone is reading this and has a breakthrough as to how to handle all of this violence going on recently.
In this society where death is on television so often that the thought of death has been totally numbed and diluted to nothing more than cool tricks on TV or a new Blockbuster comedy, it's hard to really listen to the gravity of what the news is giving us every night. I feel like I see more stories about shootings and guns than I do anything else. And that's including the Kardashians on E! News! Like I said, I know that we can't dwell on every single story the news gives us, or we'll be so miserable and awful, we won't know what to do. But I think we can still raise questions and explore our possibilities.
Indiana recently passed a law stating that it is legal to have a concealed gun in your car on a school campus. I personally think this is the opposite of progressive steps forward in finding a solution to this issue, but that's just me. However, and maybe what keeps me believing that is this article stating that since the Sandy Hook tragedy, there has been a school shooting approximately every 7.3 days. That is almost once every week. Once every week, a place America stamps as a second home to our children is compromised. Once every week, a place America took so much pride in safety and the best quality education is penetrated. Once every week, a place holding America's next generation of leaders is under attack. Once. Every. Week. Makes me wonder how many weeks until it reaches Ball State, where I attend? How many weeks until it reaches my friends' schools? In fact, it already has reached one of my friends' schools. Purdue University had a gunman on their campus this past year. So, really, I don't have to go very far until this starts hitting home for me. Yes, people do kill people. But it's hard to stick to that frame of mind (a frame of mind that I actually shared until recently) when once every week, another school shooting is announced. Another store clerk is shot. Another gang violence story airs. I get that a lot of people think carrying a gun is securing their family and everything, but given the stats recently, makes me think maybe guns do kill people.
Is the answer gun control? No clue. We haven't tried it yet. But, I have to ask, holding all issues about how many votes the political parties will get, holding all issues about a beautiful document written (almost) 238 years ago, aren't we willing to try anything, anything if that means the safety and security of our fellow Americans? The safety of our children, our friends, our families. You can only say "it'll never happen here" so many times until it does. There may still be a black market for guns. And, yeah, when we hear "no, it's illegal," it only makes us want to do it more. But isn't taking the chance better than sitting here doing nothing at all? Isn't taking that chance worth it if it means, at least, bringing down the number of school shootings per month down to 3 instead of 4? To spare some news time for those frilly stories we hate (but actually love) instead of hearing a 30 minute special report about the most recent gunfire rampage? I'd like to think so.
I'd like to think we'd be willing to try something soon. Because these kinds of posters are becoming less and less propaganda for which side you're voting, and more facts listed to try to have someone just listen.

I think news is given to us for a reason. Yes, I think it is our obligation to share our opinions about some stories. It's our obligation to raise up with our neighbors in need and offer any helping hand we have. Of course, we need to respect other peoples' opinion. As in no, that person is not an idiot for believing that particular thing which you think the exact opposite of. It's actually really tricky. The whole respecting people's opinions and stuff. I think that's something everyone (for all time everyone) is struggling with. I mean, coming from my perspective, like how can people expect this society to grow and continue to develop if we don't take progressive actions. But that's my opinion and I get that people have differing opinions about 50,000 different things in that sentence.
All this being said, I'm about to share my opinion (again). It's a pretty hot issue right now and I understand that it may make some of you angry. Maybe some of you will write comments. Maybe some of you will stop reading this blog or really try, but can't seem to possibly understand my logic. Some may get defensive. Some may write me messages, think about sending them, and then not (or do). No matter what your initial actions are, know that this is not intended to offend or hurt anyone. I am more than willing to discuss more if you have comments or questions. In fact, I would love to hear your opinions about this topic.
But, Mary, we don't even know what the topic is yet!
Oh, right.
Gun control.
Now, see, you got all up in arms and you haven't even heard what I have to say!
Oh wait. that was me. Ha. Anywho! Moving on!
Yesterday, I was watching the news, and I counted 5 (at least, because I'd started watching the news late) consecutive stories dealing with shootings. Whether it be a store clerk, a gang-related issue, or school shootings. It just leads me to start thinking: what can be done about this?
Too often, I have watched the news and have been totally closed off to the stories. They're not happening directly to me, so why should I be affected? Of course, that's not my actual thought process. My thought process normally amounts to about "oh, man. What an awful shame!" and then I turn it to GSN to watch Steve Harvey on Family Feud. Or I convince myself not to get upset because it happens far too often for me to get upset about it every time.
But that's just it. Why am I continuing to allow it to happen as often as it does without at least giving my opinion about it. A while ago, I shared a story with you guys about how I had posted something about the Benzine poisoning going on in factories where they make our cell phones. I said that I, obviously, couldn't do anything about it, so I just virtually shared it to spread the word. Then a friend re-shared it saying "what can we do about this?" Actually asking for action. You guys remember this story now? If not, feel free to read it here! Well, I shared this story with my acting class at the end of the year and my professor said something so profound (and, just for some background info, all of my theater professors are huge activists and awesome) that actually left me more dumbfounded than I think he intended. He laughed at my story and, in an "I'm-agreeing-with-you-that's-not-totally-activist-like-but-someday" tone, he said "sharing a story to get the word out does not a political activist make." So, though I don't have this end goal of being a political activist, I needed to share my opinion about this. Not to change yours, but to maybe shed a light on this situation that maybe you're not considering. Because I need to get this out there in case someone is reading this and has a breakthrough as to how to handle all of this violence going on recently.
In this society where death is on television so often that the thought of death has been totally numbed and diluted to nothing more than cool tricks on TV or a new Blockbuster comedy, it's hard to really listen to the gravity of what the news is giving us every night. I feel like I see more stories about shootings and guns than I do anything else. And that's including the Kardashians on E! News! Like I said, I know that we can't dwell on every single story the news gives us, or we'll be so miserable and awful, we won't know what to do. But I think we can still raise questions and explore our possibilities.
Indiana recently passed a law stating that it is legal to have a concealed gun in your car on a school campus. I personally think this is the opposite of progressive steps forward in finding a solution to this issue, but that's just me. However, and maybe what keeps me believing that is this article stating that since the Sandy Hook tragedy, there has been a school shooting approximately every 7.3 days. That is almost once every week. Once every week, a place America stamps as a second home to our children is compromised. Once every week, a place America took so much pride in safety and the best quality education is penetrated. Once every week, a place holding America's next generation of leaders is under attack. Once. Every. Week. Makes me wonder how many weeks until it reaches Ball State, where I attend? How many weeks until it reaches my friends' schools? In fact, it already has reached one of my friends' schools. Purdue University had a gunman on their campus this past year. So, really, I don't have to go very far until this starts hitting home for me. Yes, people do kill people. But it's hard to stick to that frame of mind (a frame of mind that I actually shared until recently) when once every week, another school shooting is announced. Another store clerk is shot. Another gang violence story airs. I get that a lot of people think carrying a gun is securing their family and everything, but given the stats recently, makes me think maybe guns do kill people.
Is the answer gun control? No clue. We haven't tried it yet. But, I have to ask, holding all issues about how many votes the political parties will get, holding all issues about a beautiful document written (almost) 238 years ago, aren't we willing to try anything, anything if that means the safety and security of our fellow Americans? The safety of our children, our friends, our families. You can only say "it'll never happen here" so many times until it does. There may still be a black market for guns. And, yeah, when we hear "no, it's illegal," it only makes us want to do it more. But isn't taking the chance better than sitting here doing nothing at all? Isn't taking that chance worth it if it means, at least, bringing down the number of school shootings per month down to 3 instead of 4? To spare some news time for those frilly stories we hate (but actually love) instead of hearing a 30 minute special report about the most recent gunfire rampage? I'd like to think so.
I'd like to think we'd be willing to try something soon. Because these kinds of posters are becoming less and less propaganda for which side you're voting, and more facts listed to try to have someone just listen.
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