Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Improve Night!

      As a collective, my acting class tends to go through this huge roller coaster called "college" together. Like we're all on the same ride, some people in the back of the ride, some people in front, but we're all on the ride. We are in the midst of discovering so much about ourselves and how we work and it's amazing. It's actually a very huge time for personal growth.

      Earlier today, I had a discussion with a few friends about how to be better people in loving the world and ourselves and how to really accept and listen to what people say. It was kind of mind blowing, actually. One of my friends, who is the most eloquent person I know, said that when people offer suggestions, you saying "well, that won't work," or "that takes a lot of time," or "what's the point?" really diminishes what that person has to say and you won't actually grow from it. Which was mind blowing.

      I can distinctly remember me saying that about so many things in my life. But what if I take it on? Those tasks? What if I strive to actually work hard for even more happiness and goodness. I mean, I do already have so much, but what if I worked for more!? I mean, that would be stellar, right? And some days it won't work, but the days that do will be that much brighter!

      Another thing that she said, that I constantly forget, is to let yourself feel bad if you feel bad. There are sometime you need to cry it out or talk it out or you just need a day to breathe and just live in the mood you're living in. It doesn't need to be happy-go-lucky all the time. Sure, there are worse things that could happen, and you feeling bad shouldn't mean you still don't feel blessed (or however you look at life). It's that for this moment, you need to breathe and be there and go back on the happy-go-lucky train the next go around.

      All in all, I discovered a lot of things today. It's hard to really elaborate on them because they're still in the "mind blown" phase. But it was a super uplifting talk and really put a lot of life into perspective.

Mary Taylor
The dark clouds are there sometimes. But the sun always comes back.

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