Saturday, March 7, 2015

I Dunno

      The one thing I love about religion: it's one thing that is so much bigger than self, that it's actually okay if you don't understand. Over the years, I've tried to wrap my head around so much of the religion I practice. And Just when I think I get it, someone or something throws a huge wrench in it. Then the rest of the toolbox so that is seems I've lost my original thought altogether. But, it's okay. Because there is, it seems to me, always some part of it that is beyond my understanding.

For instance:

      God made man in His vision. So, God looks like humans. But, really, is that so? What is God? Is He a being? Or an orb of light? Or some kind of substance not known to man.

      Also, how did He make us? And how does He know our path? And why give us free will? I mean, I'm grateful, but why give it to us?

      Another thing. Is Hell actually real? Is Purgatory? Is Heaven? How do we live beyond this life?

      How do I know it's all real?

I don't.

      Which is really cool. Right? I mean, having total faith in something, however scary and stressful, and can lead to nights staying awake all night pondering big, huge questions, is exciting. And gives me life and meaning. And love and passion. And every single thing in between.

      For me, not knowing the answers is both a relief and stressful at the same time. However, it is also okay to me. I'm cool with not knowing wholly. Will I still try to seek the answers? Of course! I'm like a child looking for where their parents hide the Christmas presents before Christmas. Will I find all of the answers? Probably not totally. But that's the glory of it. It's a gift all its own.

May we never stop seeking further knowledge and never stop asking questions. May the journey lead us to wonderment beyond the imagination and discoveries worth exploring. May God guide us through the path.

Mary Taylor

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