Thursday, March 12, 2015

(Insert Jeopardy's Waiting Theme Here)

      Waiting to hear God's is valid and needs to happen. A lot. But just waiting around will get you nowhere.

      Here's why.

      First, He's here already.

      As I've mentioned in previous posts, I listen to the Daily Audio Bible app. At the end of most everyday's Word, there are recordings of callers who have called in recently to lift up a prayer, give inspiration, encouragement, etc. Every now and then I'll hear a caller say that this world sucks and that he or she cannot wait until Jesus comes to save us.

      Daily Audio Bible isn't the only place I hear that. I've heard it about various topics. One Christian perspective on climate change that I've heard is that it's a sign that the world is ending because God wants it so. As in this climate change is God taking charge and destroying the world slowly. I mean, I won't even go down the rabbit hole of the fact that Earth is a great gift God made for us and that I think He wants us to keep it clean. And that scientific evidence shows that climate change, although always has been a thing, is speeding up and going out of whack because of what mankind has done. So, that'll be for another post.

      But the point is is that now we just wait. We just wait for Jesus to come save us.

     What if I was to tell you that He is here. He always has been. I mean, yes, I cannot even imagine the Glory that will take place when Jesus comes again. It will be beautiful and glorious and awesome. But, is life really just supposed to be about waiting? I mean, don't we have a life that God gave us for a reason?

      I'm not saying that there aren't things on this earth that are horrible. All the time, I am hearing something about a new horrific thing happening around the world. However, there are also so many wonderous, great, loving, awesome things that are happening. Even those small little awesomes that only happen between you and a friend.

      And I totally think waiting to hear God's voice and taking time to understand the next step in your journey is so valid and, at least in my journey, I've found, necessary.

      However, a whole life dedicated to "this world is horrible. I'll just wait until Jesus comes again" is a waste.

      The disciples thought Jesus would come back within their lifetime. Yes, they waited for Him. What they also did was spread His glory and grace and love. Through speaking of The Word, helping the world better understand Jesus' mission, and doing it all in the act of His love.

      So, the waiting game can definitely be played, but a whole life of doing nothing but waiting might be contradicting what Jesus said about loving wholly. It's hard to love when you're sitting bruiting about the world around you without doing much to change it.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  --John 3:16  

 Mary Taylor

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