Tuesday, July 22, 2014

(Sigh of Relief) It's Good to be Back

  After a while away from this forum and after reflecting on what it has given me, I had to get back on here. Since my last post, I've started working out and really trying to get healthy. With that, to hold me accountable, I've been posting Instagram pictures post workout daily. So, I thought I'd add some more routine to my life. But a good routine that keeps me thinking and contemplating and meditating.

      Last year, when getting to know some of my classmates better, one who I really look up to and who really inspires me told me she started meditating. So, I wanted to try to do it. After trying for a couple of days (admittedly not giving it a fair shot, but you know) and failing because I can't stay focused, I decided meditation wasn't for me. However, when I was at the last Oof Group (translated: Youth Group) telling my highs and lows of the past year, this blog came up as an awesome form of meditation. Which then got me thinking, there are tons of different forms of meditation for different kinds of people. And how awesome is that? Just like there is different kinds of prayer, even just in Christianity, but also for all religions and non-religions. It is different for everyone. So, why put "meditation" under one specific thing that can only be done one way, right?

      Point: I like this form of meditation for me. It centers me and reminds me what is important and what isn't so important. It keeps me questioning. It challenges my opinions. And it allows me to look up awesome pictures I never would have come across to begin with. Can't go wrong with that.

Mary Taylor