Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hope: Part 1

      I wanted to do a daily Advent blog this year. I'm starting a little late, but, hey, it's Hump Day! The week is still young! As is Advent. Bam!

      So, I'm gonna kill (or injure slightly so that they are able to be healed quickly, with love and care) 2 birds with one stone. I'm going to cover December 1st's reading and today's (December 2nd). The reading list I'm following is something I found on Pinterest. So, go Pinterest!

December 1, 2015: Jeremiah 33:14-15

14 “‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah.
15 “‘In those days and at that time
    I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line;
    he will do what is just and right in the land.'"
(Link to quote here)

       This is it! The time we've all been waiting for! A time of forced family gatherings, busier-than-ever stores, and stupid traffic. 
      No, I'm kidding. It's the holiday season! Though, for some of us, there's no difference between the first and the second option. 

      A lot of folks like to say how the world is only getting worse and worse. How they can't possibly see it getting any worse, and then it does. The world is awful. Ugh, world! I hate world!
      These people, most of the time, believe it or not, are Christians. 

"But how can that be? Christians are supposed to be fun-loving, loving loving, awesome, cool, chill humans." I know. Well, some of us have to stick with slow dial up, so we've nto received the memo yet. 

      These Christians, from what I've experienced, sit around waiting for the second coming of Christ (Mary, this is breaking into more of the Easter season than Advent). 

      But, don't you feel like we're missing something? We have an opportunity to prepare the way for Him. Not by sitting around yelling "TOLD YOU SO!" But to actually reach out, be the best us we can be, and spread the love and joy of Christ. Especially in this time of year. 

      All those times in which people say "the world is doomed," that's when we can rise up even more than ever, come together, and step in a gracious, more giving way for the world. To help our brothers and sisters out. To throw aside differences and come together to wait (hem hem, prepare) for the most exciting, anticipated time of the year. 

      Fear not. Have trust. He is coming to save all. All. The babe with the MOST potential ever to have graced man. He's on his way. Relax. Help each other out. You've got plenty of limbs to reach out to your fellow humans. Let's raise each other up, so we can all prepare together. In love.

This Holiday ad from 2014 really hits home for me and reminds me of this message:

Happy First Week of Advent! 

Key word for the week: Hope. 

Mary Taylor