Feminism. There. Wanted to get the big, scary part out in the air. Just re-read it a few times over until you get used to it. It's okay. It'll all be fine.
There, now that we have the hard part over with, let me say that I am, indeed, a feminist. Now, now. Nothing to get all freaked out over. Let me explain a little bit what I mean by "feminism."
A lot of people, when they hear "feminism" think it means GIRL POWER and Men Suck, Women are THE ALPHA BEINGS! However, the meaning of the word has changed a bit as time has gone on. Now, in the beginning wave of the first Feminism movement, it sort of meant that (the first actual huge wave being in the early 1900s when women fought for the right to vote). See, the way I look at every part of the way women lead lives is through brute force, in one way or another. Even the strong, powerful women of today (i.e. Hilary Clinton) have to lead with a "not taking any crap from any person ever" kind of mentality. So, I say that, sure, women of the Women Suffrage movement did lead with that "women are better and worthy" kind of spirit. Which lead to the fashion of the 1920s (flappers with ankles showing and bare arms and so much scandal!), totally blowing the minds of the traditional women and men of the time. Now, I'm guessing the feminists of the time weren't really "WOMEN ARE TOTALLY BETTER THAN MEN," but more "make us equal!" However, if I were to guess where this "feminists think men suck and women are the almighty" came from, that's where I'd guess.
Anywho! I'm here to put that thought in your mind at ease. Sure, there are some feminists who believe that women are way better than men and that men suck and all of that, but that is, actually, a very, very, very small percentage of the feminist population.
See, in fact, women in the feminist belief believe that women and men should be totally equal. We are equally important. We believe that women have the same abilities as men. The same quality of minds and same potential as men. We believe that there should be equal pay, equal treatment, equality all around. And, actually, not just for women. We believe all races, genders, sexualities, and so forth, are equal.
Now, I know what you're thinking: but, Mary, it's called "Feminism" as in FEmales. Well, in fact, there is a movement to call it more equalism. The thought that we are all equal.
This means we understand the hardships of rape victims. Of domestic violence. Of objectifying bodies. The degrading feeling of cat calls. The awful humiliation of them. Of the fact the men are given the trust in jobs. Men are given the promotions. Women are only given promotions if the company is on the cusp of failing so that once it does, it is the women's fault. So on and so forth.
We understand men are victimized, too. We understand that men have battles, too, in this masculine-loving world. Men are taught to be tough. Eye for an eye. Sports are good, dolls are bad. No emotions allowed, suck it up, "man up!"
Now, if you believe all of these things, welcome to the Feminists! If hat word scares you, you're more than welcome to stay where you're comfortable.
Mary Taylor
I would put the whole history of Feminism and women's rights if I thought there was tone in the piece for it, but, alas, this seems enough. Perhaps another post. For now, though, here is one of my idols, Lupita Nyang'o. An amazing woman to look up to this International Women's Day! Woo!
There, now that we have the hard part over with, let me say that I am, indeed, a feminist. Now, now. Nothing to get all freaked out over. Let me explain a little bit what I mean by "feminism."
A lot of people, when they hear "feminism" think it means GIRL POWER and Men Suck, Women are THE ALPHA BEINGS! However, the meaning of the word has changed a bit as time has gone on. Now, in the beginning wave of the first Feminism movement, it sort of meant that (the first actual huge wave being in the early 1900s when women fought for the right to vote). See, the way I look at every part of the way women lead lives is through brute force, in one way or another. Even the strong, powerful women of today (i.e. Hilary Clinton) have to lead with a "not taking any crap from any person ever" kind of mentality. So, I say that, sure, women of the Women Suffrage movement did lead with that "women are better and worthy" kind of spirit. Which lead to the fashion of the 1920s (flappers with ankles showing and bare arms and so much scandal!), totally blowing the minds of the traditional women and men of the time. Now, I'm guessing the feminists of the time weren't really "WOMEN ARE TOTALLY BETTER THAN MEN," but more "make us equal!" However, if I were to guess where this "feminists think men suck and women are the almighty" came from, that's where I'd guess.
Anywho! I'm here to put that thought in your mind at ease. Sure, there are some feminists who believe that women are way better than men and that men suck and all of that, but that is, actually, a very, very, very small percentage of the feminist population.
See, in fact, women in the feminist belief believe that women and men should be totally equal. We are equally important. We believe that women have the same abilities as men. The same quality of minds and same potential as men. We believe that there should be equal pay, equal treatment, equality all around. And, actually, not just for women. We believe all races, genders, sexualities, and so forth, are equal.
Now, I know what you're thinking: but, Mary, it's called "Feminism" as in FEmales. Well, in fact, there is a movement to call it more equalism. The thought that we are all equal.
This means we understand the hardships of rape victims. Of domestic violence. Of objectifying bodies. The degrading feeling of cat calls. The awful humiliation of them. Of the fact the men are given the trust in jobs. Men are given the promotions. Women are only given promotions if the company is on the cusp of failing so that once it does, it is the women's fault. So on and so forth.
We understand men are victimized, too. We understand that men have battles, too, in this masculine-loving world. Men are taught to be tough. Eye for an eye. Sports are good, dolls are bad. No emotions allowed, suck it up, "man up!"
Now, if you believe all of these things, welcome to the Feminists! If hat word scares you, you're more than welcome to stay where you're comfortable.
Mary Taylor
I would put the whole history of Feminism and women's rights if I thought there was tone in the piece for it, but, alas, this seems enough. Perhaps another post. For now, though, here is one of my idols, Lupita Nyang'o. An amazing woman to look up to this International Women's Day! Woo!
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