Thursday, March 6, 2014

Post Ash Wednesday

Yes, I realize this is after Ash Wednesday (the day our Lenten promises begin), but I thought I'd go ahead and add something to my Lenten promise. I am giving up soda this Lent and trying to turn all of the negatives life throws at me into something useful. I thought: what better way to do that than to write about it. Further, I want to write more in general, so I thought I'd put this blog to good use. See, you're reading a blog of someone who is absolutely positive and seeks to have a fully-rounded, loving life. And one way I've found that is through writing about it. Strangely enough. For, I never thought I was much of a writer, but then I stopped worrying about that and decided who cares if someone is good or bad at it! I'm just going to do it!

So, here I am. First Thursday of Lent and writing.

I have to admit, this is not an original idea. I spent the past couple of months reading this "Lenten Promise" blog one of my pastors from home wrote last Lent season. It inspired me so much (and, in fact helped me through my writers-blocks when editing a play I'm writing) that I wanted to try it. So, in the spirit of that amazing blog, I am going to write a post every day. That's right. You heard read me. EVERY DAY! Even on Sundays! It's going to be awesome! Here is where I will discuss my thoughts, loves, inspirations, and so forth. Probably a lot of movie references ahead. And, really, all in an attempt to grow closer to God.

Now, know that just because the big G word is thrown around, I am not going to push my religion/beliefs on you guys. I will introduce them, maybe, and you can take it for what you will. I seek to open my mind and heart through this to other opinions and learn new things about new things! It's going to be quite a journey and I am very excited!

Until tomorrow, good folks!

Mary Taylor

In honor of the Oscars being last Sunday, here's a picture of Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn backstage at the 1956 Oscars.

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