I'm a wimp. I'll admit it. Generally, I'm pretty passive when in a group project or whatever. There are times when people bring out the leader-side of Mary Taylor, but normally, I'm a people pleaser who doesn't like a lot of confrontation. Wouldn't it just be easier and simpler to just let the natural leaders lead and to not get in their way? I mean, if I disagree with something, I'll speak up, but really, I just let it be. Plus, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, right? Christians are passive people, right? Peaceful and passive are the same, right?
There's a pretty awesome passage in The Bible. It's said a lot, but not really thought about.
Concerning Retaliation
"'You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants you to take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to anyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.'" Matthew 5:38-42
He's saying be passive. It says so right there! Duh, Mary.
Obviously, He is asking us not to fight back. Physically, at least. But, would a passive person offer the other cheek if he or she is hit? When someone asks the passive to walk with them a mile, do they offer to walk two miles?
This passage comes up a lot in Sunday school and stuff. The main idea people get is that if they are being beaten up, don't fight back. But I actually think it's so much deeper than that. It Jesus isn't only speaking to the people who fight easily. I propose Jesus is even talking to me, the passive one. The one in which, if fought against, generally take it and say "sorry, you're right," just to avoid conflict. In fact, Jesus is not saying "take it!" He is saying "go beyond it." Go past the point of getting even. Don't get even, surprise them. Kill them with kindness.
Jesus is so far from passive about, you know, anything. Passive people don't normally flip tables in the capitol temple. Jesus has no problem telling people when He's got a problem.
Instead of just taking it or beating back, how will you handle conflict? Will you be the passive one that just lets it happen? Or will you be the one who fights back harder until they crumble? Or will you give an offering? Turn the other cheek, yeah. But offer the other one. That's the step we tend to miss.
Sure, there are conflicts that really mess with this balance. So, maybe the offer looks different in a different situation. Offering forgiveness speaks louder than seeking revenge.
Mary Taylor
There's a pretty awesome passage in The Bible. It's said a lot, but not really thought about.
Concerning Retaliation
"'You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants you to take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to anyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.'" Matthew 5:38-42
He's saying be passive. It says so right there! Duh, Mary.
Obviously, He is asking us not to fight back. Physically, at least. But, would a passive person offer the other cheek if he or she is hit? When someone asks the passive to walk with them a mile, do they offer to walk two miles?
This passage comes up a lot in Sunday school and stuff. The main idea people get is that if they are being beaten up, don't fight back. But I actually think it's so much deeper than that. It Jesus isn't only speaking to the people who fight easily. I propose Jesus is even talking to me, the passive one. The one in which, if fought against, generally take it and say "sorry, you're right," just to avoid conflict. In fact, Jesus is not saying "take it!" He is saying "go beyond it." Go past the point of getting even. Don't get even, surprise them. Kill them with kindness.
Jesus is so far from passive about, you know, anything. Passive people don't normally flip tables in the capitol temple. Jesus has no problem telling people when He's got a problem.
Instead of just taking it or beating back, how will you handle conflict? Will you be the passive one that just lets it happen? Or will you be the one who fights back harder until they crumble? Or will you give an offering? Turn the other cheek, yeah. But offer the other one. That's the step we tend to miss.
Sure, there are conflicts that really mess with this balance. So, maybe the offer looks different in a different situation. Offering forgiveness speaks louder than seeking revenge.
Mary Taylor
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