The big joke in Christianity that is told -all-the-time- is that infamous "if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plan." In an attempt to get across that idea of God being the one who really brings you to where you are and will be. Sure, you want to be a the CEO of a company in three years, but by then, priorities may change. You may feel the urge or push go somewhere or do something totally outside of what you normally would do. George Bailey thought he would travel the world and be a famous architect. However, a series of events prevented him from doing all of that. And sooner or later, he understood that his life is actually wonderful.
I back up that joke a lot. I think it is totally accurate. However, does that really mean your goals won't be reached? Does that mean you live your life only kind of fulfilled because that thing you really want to do is not happening?
Since last year, I've been really thinking about going to Divinity School after I graduate. This has messed up anything I thought I knew about what I wanted to do after school and what my future career looks like. Not only that, My outlook on life has changed. When I was in middle school/high school, I knew I wanted to go straight to New York and make it big on Broadway and have 50,000 Tonys. However, as time went on, I love home. I love my family hugely. I love the idea of having a family. I love good, friendly people. And I prefer not to live in a place that smells like urine. But that's just me.
Actually, I don't stress out that much. But when I do, it's when I'm thinking about my future. And my inability to save money. And where I'm going to live. And do I want to be a pastor or be an actor? Or is there a world where I can do both? Can I be happy with one or the other? I spend very little time stressing on the now.
Until it hit me!
The Lord has a plan for me. But no matter where I end up, He would be sure that I was as happy as I could possibly be. Whether it's through trial and error or through a direct route. God would never let me be unhappy and feel unfulfilled.
Performing has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember (4th grade, actually). I've tried to go down other paths of careers, but they all have ended up back to performing. So, in this point in my life, I can't imagine a world without me acting/singing/comedian-ing. So, maybe God isn't asking me to imagine a world without it. Maybe He is asking for an addition. Or maybe He's asking for a simple exploration.
Whatever He is asking for, I will, through trial and error, or through a direct route, make it known. I will see it as clear as day when the day comes. And I'll just assume by then I'll be better at saving money and being an actual functioning member of society.
So, wanna hear God laugh? Tell Him your plan. But just because He's laughing, does not mean He totally disagrees. Hear Him out. Go through the journey. Promise it won't be boring.
Mary Taylor

I back up that joke a lot. I think it is totally accurate. However, does that really mean your goals won't be reached? Does that mean you live your life only kind of fulfilled because that thing you really want to do is not happening?
Since last year, I've been really thinking about going to Divinity School after I graduate. This has messed up anything I thought I knew about what I wanted to do after school and what my future career looks like. Not only that, My outlook on life has changed. When I was in middle school/high school, I knew I wanted to go straight to New York and make it big on Broadway and have 50,000 Tonys. However, as time went on, I love home. I love my family hugely. I love the idea of having a family. I love good, friendly people. And I prefer not to live in a place that smells like urine. But that's just me.
Actually, I don't stress out that much. But when I do, it's when I'm thinking about my future. And my inability to save money. And where I'm going to live. And do I want to be a pastor or be an actor? Or is there a world where I can do both? Can I be happy with one or the other? I spend very little time stressing on the now.
Until it hit me!
The Lord has a plan for me. But no matter where I end up, He would be sure that I was as happy as I could possibly be. Whether it's through trial and error or through a direct route. God would never let me be unhappy and feel unfulfilled.
Performing has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember (4th grade, actually). I've tried to go down other paths of careers, but they all have ended up back to performing. So, in this point in my life, I can't imagine a world without me acting/singing/comedian-ing. So, maybe God isn't asking me to imagine a world without it. Maybe He is asking for an addition. Or maybe He's asking for a simple exploration.
Whatever He is asking for, I will, through trial and error, or through a direct route, make it known. I will see it as clear as day when the day comes. And I'll just assume by then I'll be better at saving money and being an actual functioning member of society.
So, wanna hear God laugh? Tell Him your plan. But just because He's laughing, does not mean He totally disagrees. Hear Him out. Go through the journey. Promise it won't be boring.
"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." -- Proverbs 16:9
Mary Taylor

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