Friday, February 6, 2015

Still Needs Some Work...

      You ever say something, and before it even exits your mouth, you know it was a huge mistake? Yeah, that happens to me a lot. Like a lot more than I'd ever like to admit. Normally it follows that vein of saying the punchline that no one asks for, or trying to tell someone what they want to hear, or sometimes the brutal, honest truth. But maybe in not the most calm, cool, and collective way. In these times, I am reminded of those key chains my friends in elementary school had that read "WWJD?" What would Jesus do? Then I answer "well, certainly not what just was thrown out of my mouth..."

       So, how do you deal with that?

      Me, personally, I just say "sorry" over and over again hoping someone hears me. Even when someone does say "Mary, it's all right, I forgive you," I'm still freaking out because what I said will forever be out in the universe. Always floating around in peoples' heads. What do I do about that? Some part of that person will always remember that thing that I said that was way out of line or super offensive or too brutally honest. How do I deal with that?

      Personally, no clue.

      However one way to start is by noticing how that makes me feel. I mean, saying that thing, using those words, raising my voice, those didn't make me feel good. What about them didn't make me feel good? Well, there were the words. Or that thing about the voice being raised. Okay, okay. So, how do go from here, though?

      Well, again, no clue. A guess, though: you go on. Let that thing that affected you affect you and know how you don't want to feel ever again and try to make it not happen. One thing I always remember after the fact, but always helps me for future (until I forget again and follow impulse): think before speaking or acting on something. I love being spontaneous and doing everything in the moment. But sometimes the old ticker needs a lap around the place every once in a while.

      What about all those people and how they think of me? Well, yeah, they might see you in a different light for a second. But you gotta ride that wave you made for yourself. I paddled all the way out there, time to finish riding the wave. It may be rocky and bumpy and a shark may bite my face off, but gotta do it.

      Also, always remember that God knows your heart and mine. God wipes away all guilt, no matter how large or small. Does that mean what I said or did or how I said it or did it was good and I'll be rewarded? No. But, God, being that unconditional lover He is, finds some way to forgive all of our faults and sins. And quickly, at that.

      There will always be repercussions on all of your actions. No matter what. Good or bad. Riding the wave is where all the lessons are learned and people grow and our knowledge for love is deepened because God has deepened it.

"There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." --Proverbs 12:18

Mary Taylor

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