I guess this is "officially" a year ago I started this blog. The first Thursday of Lent. And I gotta say, I am so pumped to do it again, but differently (obviously). I am so excited to see what else I explore, discover, find. And I am so pumped to be going on this journey with my readers (meaning my parents. Thanks, mom and dad!)
Through last year's Lenten season, I explored what I knew and wanted to know about God and the Bible and brought it to my life. I don't know what God has in store for me this Lenten season, but I am excited to find out where I end up on Easter Sunday this year.
So, my Lenten promises this year! One, to write this blog. Every day. Every day. E v e r y d a y. I got this. Two, Cutting back on simple carbs. No, it's not totally that weird thing some people do in which they treat Lent as a reboot to their New Year's Resolutions. It's that I find myself always going to that. Like too much. I can't help that pasta is the most delicious thing! It's gonna be tough, but what we learn in this season is that all things (even giving up some of the closest things to Heaven on Earth there is, next to cheesecake) are possible through Christ and that these worldly things are just that, worldly. Whereas Christ is eternal. So, may I learn that this Lenten season and may it sink deeper.
Let's do it!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." --John 3:16
Mary Taylor
This is a picture of what I see when I enter my hometown. From a great photographer from home!

Through last year's Lenten season, I explored what I knew and wanted to know about God and the Bible and brought it to my life. I don't know what God has in store for me this Lenten season, but I am excited to find out where I end up on Easter Sunday this year.
So, my Lenten promises this year! One, to write this blog. Every day. Every day. E v e r y d a y. I got this. Two, Cutting back on simple carbs. No, it's not totally that weird thing some people do in which they treat Lent as a reboot to their New Year's Resolutions. It's that I find myself always going to that. Like too much. I can't help that pasta is the most delicious thing! It's gonna be tough, but what we learn in this season is that all things (even giving up some of the closest things to Heaven on Earth there is, next to cheesecake) are possible through Christ and that these worldly things are just that, worldly. Whereas Christ is eternal. So, may I learn that this Lenten season and may it sink deeper.
Let's do it!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." --John 3:16
Mary Taylor
This is a picture of what I see when I enter my hometown. From a great photographer from home!

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