Monday, February 23, 2015

The Influence of People

      As humans, we are awesome at letting other things affect us. I think that's what makes us so awesome, actually! We can be the toughest of the tough, but we always let things affect us. Whether their small, like the coffee being too strong. Or big, like a new found love. No matter what it is, we are affected. Which means we affect others. No matter what we say or do. It's probably affected someone in some capacity, one way or another. So, why do we let things affect us? And how do we know how we're affecting others?

      In one of my classes, my professor is all about keeping your own energy, accepting others', while still being grounded in your own. So, like, just because someone is sad, does not mean you have to be sad the rest of your day. And to some extent, I totally agree with her. We let other peoples' moods affect ours and, in some cases, can ruin out day. Or make it better. Instead of living in your own mood and accepting others, as opposed to embodying the other person's. However, when someone's energy is awesome and it lifts you up, I think that's awesome and should be celebrated.

      Today, after my morning class, I went to WalMart to get some class essentials. And, in general, when a morning trip to the store happens, I feel awesomely accomplished! Like yes, let's do this day right! It always brings my mood up and I am always pumped for the rest of the day, even if I don't get anything. Just getting off campus and seeing strangers living their lives and navigating morning trips to the store, it's awesome to me! And this morning was no different. I got on the MITS bus, ready to tackle this WalMart trip! Then some tweenagers in the back of the bus (where I was sitting) kept going on and on about skipping school and running away and snitching on friends and stuff. Which put me in this weird state of mind about if I ever have kids and stuff. Then, I arrived at WalMart. I got a Subway sandwich (like you do) and went about my Mary way to get my class essentials (plus some craft stuff that was on sale. Holla). I checked out, everything was great. So, it was time to wait for the MITS bus again. And some Muncie locals were also waiting. Muncie locals get a bad name around campus because BSU students get freaked out by Muncie culture. However, I tend to understand the the Wabash boys probably think the same about my hometown, so I tend not to take part in that conversation too much. But this morning, there were a few Muncie locals that carried weird energies. A couple arguing, a man with orange pants (which were actually kind of cool) and just a sweatshirt on, a man trying way too hard to keep a conversation going with me. They all affected how I felt about my morning WalMart trip. My productivity feeling turned to "what have I gotten myself into?" feeling.

      Of course, the day did end up being good, but why did I let those menial things affect me? I mean, I'm all for getting all those bad emotions out, even if it's in public. So why would an arguing couple upset me? And I generally love conversation, so why was this guy bothering me? And orange pants. I mean those are cool!

      Sometimes, you can't help but get affected by your surroundings. But there are also times when self-reflection and inner-peace can be so useful. This morning is a good example of how I could have used some inner-peace.

      All that said, though we live our own lives cannot be held responsible for everyone's well-being, Jesus taught us to love unconditionally. All people. Love all people. Is an act of love attempting to make a space as loving, accepting, and peaceful for all around? Could a simple gesture of breathing instead of screaming at your partner if only to make the surroundings peaceful be an act of kindness? Of course, there are situations when you need need need to let it out for your own health and safety. However, I propose that we can create goodness and love in keeping a space as loving as we can. I also propose that we can stop a lot of bad energies or weird energies from affecting us totally.

      Instance where I am not keeping my inner-peace, my mouse is acting like crazy right now and keeps right-clicking when I'm not and won't let me regularly click and it was driving me up a wall! (breathing) But, I shall restore inner-peace and remember that it actually won't kill me.

      So, what else can we do in acts of love? What's the extent? Are we in charge of keeping other people in a peaceful mindset? Can we be more aware of when we might be affecting someone in a bad way, and can we prevent that? Sometimes it's a battle that is bigger. But in those cases, to keep the love for yourself and others, seeking the necessary help is essential.

      I think we often forget how we can affect others. Meaning, I think we constantly need to be reminded. We are too busy living our lives to remember, but remembering might lead to a peaceful, more loving life in our lives. So, isn't it worth remembering and reminding ourselves?

      "We love because he first loved us." -- 1 John 4:19

Mary Taylor

Image result for Jesus and love

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